Ready to join FMHRA?Join the Fargo Moorhead HR Association and gain valuable insights from area HR professionals during our monthly meetings, access to workshops and seminars to enhance your professional skills and broaden your knowledge, and many more benefits! Join FMHRA by completing our online membership application. |
Monthly luncheon meetings held typically on the first Tuesday of each month with an opportunity to network with other human resource professionals. Program each month on current issues relating to employment, placement, compensation, benefits, training and development, employee or labor relations, health and safety, and human resource trends and research. Monthly Food for Thought Presentations that promote small group discussions and member networking. Newsletters quarterly alerting you to news, events, conferences, businesses, and new members. Workshops and seminars to enhance your professional skills and broaden your knowledge. Opportunities for you to participate in the committees, forums, and many special projects sponsored by FMHRA. Opportunities to join the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), our national affiliate. Discounted membership for SHRM members. Access to web-based resources: